It’s the day after Valentine’s Day, so how many people in the world got engaged yesterday? After all, it was the perfect time, right? As if asking someone to marry you isn’t stressful enough, with the instant media attention of the Internet, the pressure of the actual question has become only secondary to the added pressure involved in making the proposal as unique and creative as humanly possible. Seriously, if the men in my era had to produce a “Broadway” musical just to see if their sweetie would tie the knot, we simply might not have ever moved forward in the relationship! But then again, we actually talked to one another instead of relying on text messaging.
But…with the proposal out of the way, it means the start of the preparation for an equally spectacular wedding has begun. Is it just me, or has the wedding industry progressively become more of a circus in the last 30 years since my dear hubby and I were first married? I remember even way back then thinking that the cost of weddings was unbelievable, and now… it is just out of sight! It is no wonder that people are doing anything they can to try and save money when it comes to getting married. Take for example the people in Hong Kong, who have decided that a McWedding could be the way to go.
According to the Blog LA Weekly, “The ‘Warm and Sweet Wedding Package’ works out to a little over $1282 per service, a price that includes inexpensive wedding gifts, pink invitation cards branded, naturally, with the company's distinctive yellow arches, decorations featuring the Hamburglar and other iconic characters, and an unholy heap of McDonald's menu classics. For an extra $165, the bride can rent a "white balloon" gown. A balloon wedding cake will cost an additional $88. For a bright pink McDonald's-themed backdrop, the couple must fork over a $321 supplement.”
I say, “such a deal”!
Maybe McDonalds will become the happiest place on earth again and emerge from the crushing reputation of being the cause of all childhood obesity with their despicable marketing of the “Happy Meal”? Who wouldn’t want their old pals, Ronald McDonald, The Hamburglar, and even the Grimace there to celebrate with them on their special day? We wanted them when we celebrated our accomplishments as a child, why not “go back to basics” again, you know, “back to our roots” so to speak.
I don’t always go to every wedding that I am invited to. Don’t judge please…last summer our family probably received 50 wedding invitations alone. Each of the announcements was unique and different in their own way but none will be as exciting to receive as the future one that will be adorned with the “Golden Arches”. The McWedding is one I certainly will not miss!
What do you think, is a McWedding in our near future in the US?
Would you have your reception at McDonalds?
On a more serious note…The statistics we are given that 50% of all marriages end in divorce is not really accurate at all. For some good information on that check out this Post.
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